Who is FoodMatters Consulting?

The web address for FoodMatters Consulting is https://foodmatters.guru.

You can write to David Lee and FoodMatters Consulting at PO Box 4247, Croydon Hills LPO, Victoria 3136, Australia.

You can telephone David Lee and FoodMatters Consulting  on (+61) 0422 313 874.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it.

Contact form

FoodMatters Consulting receives and stores the information that you voluntarily enter via the contact page of this website (name, email, message). This is done strictly for the purposes of communicating with you and addressing your need for services. All efforts are made to store this information securely and it is not shared with any other parties without your specific consent.  In the event that you do not proceed with receiving services from FoodMatters Consulting your contact information will not be retained but it could possibly be retrieved via a search on our email carrier.

In the default configuration used, the ‘Contact Form 7’ plugin used on this site does not track users by stealth, write any user personal data or messages to the database, or send data to external servers or use cookies.


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